Sunday, September 28, 2008

Edited Image #2

This image was originally taken right before dawn on the Ganges river in Varanasi, India. It was a very humid morning so the air was almost foggy. It was edited using Picture2Life by adjusting the brightness to make it lighter without losing the early morning feeling. This made the details clearer such as the boats, water, and background. I particularly like that the water looks brown and dirty which is exactly how it was that morning. A caption was added to give information about the picture.

Original Image #2

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Edited picture #1

This image was originally taken around mid-day outside. It was edited using Picture2Life. The image was initially cropped, a colored border was added added, and a caption using white lettering was added. It was difficult to find a text color that could be read in the image. The intent was to focus attention on the women in the front yet still be able to see the monks praying behind them.

original picture #1

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

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Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
· First published 1726 under pseudonym of Lemual Gulliver
· Considered Swift’s masterpiece
· Instantly successful
· Four voyages of Lemeul Gulliver, a surgeon
· In part satire of English politics of the time
· Universal satire: things keep getting worse
· Lilliputians: humankinds excessive pride in its own puny existence
· Brobdingnagians: dimension of human existence up close
· Laputans: folly of theoretical knowledge which has no use
· Houyhnhnms: ideal of rational existence
· Yahoos: human beings in their basest form
· Effect on modern language culture, music, theatre, etc.
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