Sunday, October 5, 2008

Overall I am pretty pleased with my first attempt with PhotoStory. It was very easy to use and any questions I had were answered on the class page directions. I went ahead and added music because it just seems a little dry without it. I am going to look for some 1800s fiddle music for my final project. I have also decided to scan the covers of the book instead of using downloaded images so I have more control over the quality. i can use the books from my childhood so it will add a personal touch. I don't think my slide times are accurate at all- it is hard to tell without having a script. I think I have a pretty good framework started to develop my digital story!

1 comment:

Bernard Robin said...


Very nice job on this assignment. And yes, the music does help make the slides more interesting. I'll be interested in hearing how it changes with the new music you want to add. And yes, if you have the materials, it's a good idea to scan images instead of using the ones you find on the web