Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Opinions of linked courses

I have found the linked courses to be very valuable. While I love the type of content presented in the History of Children's Literature, the digital storytelling course gave me an opportunity to think about it in a different way, particularly how I could share the information with students. Quite honestly it is unlikely I would have taken an IT course if they had not been linked and I would have missed out on so much! It was very economical to have them the same night - both for time and money (gas). I think some of the digital course work could have been done on-line and since we were already there it would be easy to get assistance as needed after the Children's Lit class.
I thought the hands-on activities were very beneficial. It is helpful to me as a learner to try it out and then go back later and do it myself with carefully written directions for support. I could probably just do it with the excellent directions but i like the interaction with others while learning.
The content of the Children's Lit course was dense so any opportunity to revisit it in another format was helpful to learn it. Perhaps having us somehow use the specific content studied for the week might be helpful but it would admittedly be hard to coordinate. I am wondering if somehow the discussion leader could use technology as he/she lead the discussion each week instead of just handing out the outline. Access to images was failrly easy so it could make the material a bit easier to understand.
As mentioned above I think the technology has the potential to make the content easier to understand. since this was the first time these cousrses were linked, it was difficult to know how this could happen with this content.
I am almost finished with my cousework so I won't have the opportunity to take other linked courses although I would certainly consider it if it were earlier in my program. If a doctoral student has intentions on becoming a professor, I would think it is crucial to have some technology background so make yourself marketable.
Overall I really enjoyed the course. It was another way to experience rigor in study yet be creative. As you know I loved my project topic and would probably not have had the oppportunity to explore her life and use the images if I had not taken the course so ata personal level I am very grateful. I am also pleased to have an arsenal of technology tools to use besides Power Point to make digital presentations which is fabulous. Thank you for a great semester!

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